Friday, February 28, 2014

Free Apps!

My personal favorite therapy tool is the iPad.  I've had mine now for a few years and feel it is invaluable.  While an iPad is NOT a replacement for teaching meaningful communication between is a great teaching tool!  I use apps as visual supports (schedules, timers) and as supports when teaching a variety of concepts, including receptive and expressive language as well as articulation/phonology/speech clarity.  Apps can be great tools for clinicians and parents alike when working with children.

I follow a number of blogs and websites that advertise and write reviews of educational of my favorites is

I signed up for e-mail updates from this site and on Fridays, I LOVE to peruse their "Free App Friday" selections.  Today's list is great (in my opinion :)).  Check it out HERE

I actually downloaded one of the apps on this list earlier this week after a friend told me it was free:  Toca Doctor.  I've used the app in a few lessons already this week...great for targeting direction following, WH questions (both asking and answering), sequencing, retelling, listening skills and also simply used as a reinforcer/reward for hard work at the end of a lesson.

If you are unfamiliar with the Toca Boca yourself and your students (or children!) a favor and check them out.  They're cute, fun, engaging and educational!

Have fun!