Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Speech and Language Blogs I Love

I had a great meeting this morning with the mother of a sweet kindergarten student I work with and she asked if I had any favorite speech and language blogs...while there are many blogs that I enjoy perusing for ideas I hadn't ever written a comprehensive list to share when asked.  Being asked for such a list was just the motivation I needed to get in gear and quickly write this up!

The internet can be a fabulous resource...I use it daily to look up treatment suggestions for students I work with.  However, at times I find myself feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the beautiful Pinterest boards and blog posts with great, creative ideas for speech/language therapy activities.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that it is just fine to not have what I feel like are the cutest or most creative games and that sticking with the basics with things like playing a simple game with a tried-and-true deck of articulation cards can be sufficient with proper interaction and instruction!

While I sincerely love to write and have high hopes to one day make more time for blogging...that time is not now and I am instead content to use this space for a few speech/language suggestions here and there as well as to share links to what I believe are helpful resources.

That said...here are some links to a few great speech and language blogs:

1.  Mommy Speech TherapyThis is one of my favorite blogs!  It is well-written with great advice and suggestions both for practicing SLPs and parents.  The author says,  'The reason I named this blog “Mommy Speech Therapy” is because as parents we have the greatest impact on our children’s language development. No one can make a bigger difference than you!  My goal is to share some tips and techniques I have learned over the years in working with my clients and my own kids, and hopefully give you the information you need to be successful in helping your little ones become the very best communicators they can be."  Beautiful!!

2.   Speech Room News:  This blog has some outstanding posts, including app reviews and some free downloadable activities!

3.  Auditory Verbal Center of Wheaton:  This is an awesome blog written by a professional who works with individuals who are deaf/hard of hearing using an auditory verbal (spoken language) approach.  While the blog is written for parents and professionals working with this population, many of the speech and language activities are great for targeting these skills in students who are not deaf/hard of hearing as well.

 4.  Speaking of Speech:  This author shares a plethora of wisdom, from activity suggestions to how to organize materials.  Recent posts include information about stuttering in preschoolers.

5.  Playing with Words 365:  I just LOVE this blog!  The author provides practical suggestions for working speech and language targets into everyday routines.

A simple quick Google search for "speech and language blogs" will show you that my little list is barely scratching the surface of what's available out there on our lovely World Wide Web.  Hopefully, though, my weeding-through process and providing you with these five blogs as a starting place will provide you with some useful resources as you build your own arsenal of materials and suggestions...whether you are a fellow SLP or a parent of littles!

Have a wonderful day :),

~Ms. Matyasse

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to post these links. As always, your ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated. We are so lucky to have you!!!!
